Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Project Development

As soon as we were given our brief, I began deciding wether I would do a running narrative or have a theme through out. After much deliberation I came to an unanimous con

clusion that I was defiantly going to do a series that had a running theme. The next decision was where I am going to shoot and what of, I have two horses so I thought that it would be ideal to take advantage of the farms surroundings where they are kept. There are many aspects of the far

m that are visually pleasing to look at, and also that would be very interesting take in a 360 degree view.

The first of my sequences I shot was in the stable yard, although at first I thought that this could look a bit stark, once I began taking the photos it was clear that through the camera lens it was actually full of many intricacies. As the yard was already in a circular court yard it made the panorama even more interesting. However when I come to stitch the images together this may become a chall

enge as there will be lots to match up, however I am most c

ertainly up for the challenge. The second of my sequences is in the hay barn, I came across a few problems whist doing this one in particular; firstly because the barn is open sided the light in some shots was much brighter than others, therefore darkening the image inside, I will hopefully be able to sort this out in photoshop later on. Also there are many objects in this sequence, for example all the farm machinery and the many hay ba

les, but because all this objects are static hopefully this will make them easier to line up. The third image I have not decided fully on yet I have the choice of two, I could either do the inside sequence of the tack room or the horses fields. Both very different, I am going to see how they look on screen and then make my decision from that.

Below are three pictures one from each sequence

I made a decision on my third panorama, I decided to do the drive up to the stables where I keep the horses, as it is on a hill and has some fantastic views of the downs. I initially thought that it might be a challenge to get the tripod straight, however with a bit of adjusting I managed to get it fairly straight.

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