Tuesday, 2 March 2010

My final thoughts on my design

I think that if it had all gone smoothly I most certainly would have not learnt nor understood the workings of HTML and CSS as much as now do, the process that you go through when trying to figure out how to correct an element is an essential skill to have when working in this area, I feel that I have learnt a great deal and hopefully when I come to make another website I will have the basics under my belt and will be able to further my skills, and start to explore more advanced techniques.

If I could change my website I would certainly try to include some illustrations, and make more pages so I could explain composition in more detail. I do like what I have created, I would perhaps change the positioning of the text, but I was limited to what I knew. Overall I am pleased that I managed to create a working website, at one point I really didn't think it was going to happen.

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