Also I managed to get all of the stories in the html pages, but only the first swf worked, as soon as clicked on they did not link to the rest of the swf in that story. I had run out of idea to make them link to the rest of the story. I will have to seek help in this area to proceed. I did come to a conclusion to why my buttons did not link though, I dont think I have linked them properly in flash actions, I will try and sort this out.

I next tried to put all my buttons into flash again, this time copying and pasting them, this did work to an extent, did loose a few flourishes, however when it came to time to do the action script I think there was somewhere where I was going wrong as they did not link. I did a header a footer in html, which successfully linked to each story, which needs separating, but the story does not play past the first slide.

I figured out my problem, I had named quite a few of buttons with the same instance name, so they did not work, I renamed then and changed the action script as well. This worked and all my buttons linked to the correct story. Also I neatened up my footer, I centered it and changes the colour this looked much better, it was a case of changing my css and relinking it. Below is my new html page.

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