I decided that I was going to film the Farrier (Blacksmith) when he came to do my horses shoes. On the morning that I was due to film, I set up and experimented with different possible positions and heights that I would need my camera at, before he came so as I was prepared and knew how my shots were going to look. Also I needed to try and position myself so the sun was behind me, however as it was early morning the sun was on the move.
I began shooting and did lots of short clips, from various different distances, some close ups, extreme close ups and long shots. I also wanted to start with an establishing shot, to set the scene.
I found that as I was shooting, the sun became a little problem as it was moving I had to too, otherwise the light got in the way and distorted the colour of the shot. I also found that the zoom was a bit tricky, it looked fine on the camera, however once uploaded on the computer it wasn't so clear and looked a little fuzzed. I overall got some good shots and came away with lots of material that I need to sift though and decide what bits I can use. I got some great sound effects, the hammering of the nails into the horses foot, the reshaping and bashing of the shoe, the hot furnace, the rasping and the hissing sound of the shoes being burnt onto the horses foot.
Here are some screen shots of the type of shots that I have taken.

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