Tuesday 11 May 2010

Crash, Bang, Wallop!

Our Brief is to use video editing to convey a fast and stimulating experience. I will make a short film piece that lasts no more than 15 secs with no less that 20 edits. My piece can either describe an everyday situation in a dramatic or dynamic way or subvert the expected response to a situation.

The aim is to make a film which represents the main action as key moments and which creates as much dramatic impact as possible. You will edit the piece with the goal of making a film which as economical and succinct as possible. The theme that we must follow is Crash, Bang, Wallop!

I am going to begin by doing some research, I want to see the average speed that videos are edited and how they are compiled. You Tube will be a good source, I can look at movie trailers and music videos on here.

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