Once I had chosen a colour scheme, I was now ready to start on the content of my cereal packaging, for example designing the cereal itself, puzzles and activities for the children/my target group to play with, the ingredients that I had already touched on briefly, logos etc. This all now needed to be put together and positioned on my box.
I had already made the decision that I was going to have alphabet shaped cereal, there was just the question how do I create this so it looks like the texture and colour, that it would look like if true to form. So to create this real effect I first typed my letter how you would do any way, then I went to Type - Create outlines, this created outlines around the letter. Next I selected a cereal colour and went to Object - Path - Add Anchor Points, this added points around the letter so then the letter can be manipulated. To create an effect of an uneven outline I used the Effects selection and went to Distort and Pucker and adjusted it according. For this effect to take place I then went to Object - Expand Appearance. Next I used the pen tool to draw a shape on the side of the letter, and coloured this with a gradient, I arranged it and brought it to the front. Selecting all I went to Object - Clipping mask and Make and then shift A to give the rest of my letter a colour. This completed my cereal coloured letter however the letter was to smooth and did not really take the full effect that I was looking for. So I by using the ellipse tool I made almost crater like dents in my letters, this made the surface of the letter look uneven, I went through the same steps as I did to create the letter to create theses ellipses.

This effect is very effective way of creating this look, Once I had made all my letters, I wanted them positioned coming out of the bowl as it my character had created a spell on the bowl and the cereal was flying out of the bowl. So I positioned some in the bowl and some coming out on the air.

I wanted to include a word search on the back of my cereal box as it ties in with my spelling/word concept, I included words that were linked with magic as I have played on the word 'Speller' as it means to spell and spell as in magic spell. I included 11 words and written than below the word search so the children can see them written to help them find the words. I included another spelling/word game as most children's cereal's had more than one activity, so I positioned it on one of the sides. It is a very simple small one and it is jumbled up letters, that you have to make words from.

The nutritional information and ingredients, needed to be looked into in a bit more depth, so that I could make it as realistic as possible, even though I wasn't actually making the cereal. I looked at other cereals that were already on the market, however I found it difficult to find any children's cereal's that were a healthier option, so I looked at some of the adult cereals and used their ingredients to help create mine. I looked at their fat and sugar content, one cereal I looked at in particular was cheerios, theses have low fat and help towards maintaining a healthy heart. I want my cereal to be a healthier cereal for children however I also want it to help to be educational.
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