Thursday, 19 November 2009

My Final cereal packaging

After many drafts and re positioning of objects, letters etc, I came to my final design. I came across some problems on the way to this final design. In particular I had a problem putting my design into 3D in the extrude and bevel selection, to begin with it was taking a very very long time to do one side. Then once it had done this, the next sides were just not mapping onto my 3D object at all, perhaps this was to do with the 3d effects and gradients that I used however I have not used that many. I tried to create this 3D effect on three different computers to see if that would help but I had the same problem on each. So because this did not work I had to produce it by eye, I created and 3D box and hand skewed my sides to fit the box, I found this very hard indeed, the perspective was hard to create to make it looked realistic. I managed to do some of my images and text, but this I feel compromised on the quality of my objects. Below is my design flat plan before I tried to map it, before I mapped it I separated the sides so I could save each side as a symbol and save them in their own library.

After reevaluating my design several times, there were a few things that I changed, the changes are shown in the screen shot above, firstly my masthead, to begin with it was just flat text, it did not really stand out from the page so I used the extrude and bevel option and changed its perspective, this worked really well it gave it depth and a almost life like feel. Also I put a gradient on my cereal bowel to make it more interesting, one technique that I found to be very useful was the drop shadow option, I used this on my character to make him come alive and look more realistic as before I did this he was very flat. Below is my hand made 3d representation.

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