Tuesday 8 December 2009

My chosen Movement

After researching a few movements that interested me the most, I decided to do Dadaism possibly combined with Surrealism. I found these movements very interesting and thought provoking, the artists that I found to be essential in these movements were Salvador Dali and Rene Magritte work for surrealism as these were the two most prominent artists in this movement. However I found that both of these movements crossed, Dadaism was also very interesting to me, a particular artist caught my eye was Francis Picabia.

Francis Picabia, he had a successful career as an impressionist painter as well as being a part of the surrealist group. By 1912 he was a member of the Dada group, he influenced and encouraged Dadaist tendencies. Through out his career he had a vast array of styles as can be seen in his Spanish Night painting (1922) and The Happiness of Blindness (1947).

In this project I would like to mainly focus on Francis Picabia, however I would also like to incorporate some of the surrealist style into my project. I will combine both of these movements as the converge into each other, but my main influence will be Francis Picabia.

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