Monday 9 November 2009


Colour is an extremely important issue when designing, the colour's must all compliment each other and in this case they must be suitable for both male and female. Colour's such as yellow, green. purple and blue are colour's that I will be considering when it comes to my cereal box. Below are a few examples of colour experiments that I tried, however none of which I decided to use.

I was not happy with any of theses colours, the blue I felt was already used by quite alot by cereal companies anyway, the green made it look more like animal food or some sort or gardening supplement and the purple was aimed more at the female market. I need to think of something unusual so that it would stand out against the other cereals. So below is what I decided on. I decided to have the yellow stripes as I have not seen many if any like this before, and the yellow is a very unisex colour, it is bright, cheerful and eye catching.

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